The Power of Affirmations
Affirmations can help us in pretty much any and all areas of our life. These are positive statements that we can focus on and help shift our mindset to the positive along with holding the intention of our goal we want to carry out. When working with affirmations it is important to remember the affirmation do's and don'ts. Here they are for you below.
Affirmation Do: You want to make sure you keep your affirmation in the present tense! One's beginning with "I am", "I can", "I desire now" are good ones to start with.
Affirmation Don't: You do not want this to be in the past or future tense. Examples of this are such as, "I will someday" and "In the future I would like".
Affirmation Do: You want to keep them positive in their phrasing. Some forget this when they are writing their affirmations, as they already have a negative mindset. Examples, "I am now healthy.", "I am now successful", "I am now in a loving relationship."
Affirmation Don't: You want to avoid phrasing them in negative terms, even if you are thinking of a positive outcome. Examples, "I am not fat.", "I am debt free." or "I am letting go of negative people."
Affirmation Do: You want to be clear and to the point. Affirmations are about short positive statements that stick, so don't draw out the phrasing. Here is an wonderful example, "I am now healthy and strong."
Affirmation Don't: Dragging the statements out can lead to forgetfulness, confusion and frustration. Here are one's phrased this like you want to avoid, "I am physically healthy, with strong leg muscles, toned arm muscles and all of my clothes fit well." Way to long!
One of the biggest key points you want to remember is to have one that resonates with you. You can work with others you find online, one's you read in a book, or create one of your own. It is all about what resonates for you! If it does not resonate with you simply re-word it so it does, just remember to keep it positive, pretense tense and to the point. Now all you have to do is work with them every day, focus on your intention and allow the shifting to begin!