Thursday, August 6, 2020

7 Chakras and What They Reveal

Yesterday a I shared with you 12 places that our body stores stress and the emotions tied to those areas. Today we look at the 7 Chakras and the emotions tied to them. 

Root Chakra 

This chakra is located at the base of the spine and relates to feelings of groundedness. This is our foundation in life and relates to feeling like your basic needs, those necessary for survival, are met.

When I may mention to you that it looks cloudy or out of balance, perhaps you are experiencing fear that you won't have our needs met, and this results in anxiety. We also feel like we're not good enough, or in fear, like we're not safe, this also causes this chakra to appear blacken or cloudy.

Sacral Chakra 

This chakra centers on the sacrum, which is the triangular bone at bottom of the spine, connecting it to the hipbones. It also encompasses the sex organs.

The second chakra relates to creativity, which also includes the sex organs because they're where we create life. Because this chakra is tied to the water element, it represents our emotional experience.

If you repress your emotions, this chakra is likely out of balance.

When this chakra is in balance, we gracefully allow ourselves to flow with the rhythm of life. Out of balance, we feel stuck, uncreative or dis-passionate, or ashamed of our bodies.

Naval Chakra (or solar plexus)

This chakra, located by the belly button, relates to our personal power and will. It's about the fire in the belly.

When this chakra is out of balance, you may feel angry, full of guilt, or unable to influence the world around you. It's like life happens to you and you have no power to create the life you desire.

Balancing this chakra isn't about controlling life, but about recognizing those things you do have influence over. It's about feeling worthy of taking up space. Out of balance, you likely also need external validation.

Heart Chakra

This chakra is all about love! Balance in the first three chakras supports an open heart. When you feel secure in the world, it allows you to be creative and in the flow of life. That security and fluidity then rise to create a sense of personal power.

A strong solar plexus and personal boundaries protect your open heart.

Out of balance, you may feel sad or lonely. This isn't a call to judge yourself, but to love yourself.

Throat chakra

This chakra is located — surprise! — at the throat. It relates to speaking our truth and speaking up for what we believe in. However, it also relates to comparison.

When we compare ourselves to others, it literally closes down this chakra, reducing our capacity to create our own lives. This makes sense when you think about how focusing your energy on another person naturally reduces the energy available to focus on your own life.

Where attention goes, energy flows. So keeping your attention firmly on your own life and your own possibilities will help you break free from karmic cycles of action and reaction and instead actualize your soul's highest purpose.

Here too, it's important to remember the energy of love from the fourth chakra when speaking your truth. Speaking too bluntly or harshly and without kindness is as much a symptom of imbalance as not speaking your truth at all.

The Third Eye

This center, located between the eyes, is the center of spiritual wisdom. It's a sense of knowing beyond words, or seeing what's left unsaid. This is the chakra of intuition and the sixth sense.

While blocks in the lower centers tend to be the most stubborn because they come from family or society or other deep blocks, we tend to be our own worst enemies when it comes to these higher chakras.

If you always ask everyone else's advice, trusting outside wisdom over your own inner voice, it ultimately intensifies the doubt you feel.

To enhance your intuition, take small steps. Ask yourself what you'd like to eat for a meal or wear for the day and stay present to what comes up. Does a picture emerge in your mind? A taste? An idea?

The Crown Chakra

This is where spiritual energy enters our bodies. We all have cords — kind of like umbilical cords — that rise from the crowns of our heads up into the heavens.

The more you meditate, practice yoga and overall strengthen your spiritual energy, the thicker your cord becomes. As more spiritual energy flows through your body, you radiate. You can't help but attract your destiny to you because you are the embodiment of a spiritual being having a human experience.

I know this was a very long post. Thank you for reading - til tomorrow

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