Spiritual Healing Touch and Anxiety
Spiritual healing touch is a kind of energy healing in which I places my hands on or near my client in order to heal them. Studies on Healing touch have suggested that it may help reduce stress and anxiety, heal wounds and decrease pain.
As a Healing touch practitioner, I believe that I can redirect a person’s energy by interacting with that person's energy field, stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal. If someone has pneumonia we give them antibiotics. But in healing touch, I try to help people get their energy flowing the way it needs to go so the person can heal themselves.
The Science Behind Spiritual Healing Touch
In 2010 Coakley’s research team found that postoperative patients who received healing touch had lower levels of pain and cortisol — a hormone released in response to stress — and higher natural killer cells than those who received usual care.
- Reduce pain and fatigue in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
- Reduce pain and anxiety in burn patients
- Help autistic children to be calmer and gentler
However, despite extensive research suggesting the benefits of healing touch, there is no scientific explanation of the energy field. Current data suggest a combination of counseling and medication works best to teach the brain how to cope with anxiety and break out of the vicious cycle. I agree with this data and suggestion because I see many things in our auras that are related to our mental health. Damage or conditions of the aura are connected to the chakras and connected often times to this life's mental health.
Spiritual Healing Touch: What a Session Is Like
A Spiritual healing touch sessions can take place with a client either sitting or standing and last between 10 to 30 minutes. I first need to clear my mind and center myself in order to communicate with the clients energy field.
The technique of Spiritual healing touch has been described in the following manner. Starting at a person’s head, I place my hands with palms facing down, 2 to 6 inches away from the client's body to locate any blockages in energy. I go back and forth over the body to replace any harmful energy with God's grace or energy from the higher power. This energy is not of my own to give. During this process, clients usually close their eyes and try to relax. Clients have reported feeling warm and relaxed during the process and sometimes fall asleep.
Results of the treatment vary depending on the person and their condition. Some clients feel relief instantaneously while others don’t see an improvement until after receiving multiple sessions.
Nancy McShane
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