Monday, November 2, 2020

The 1st Chakra and Relationship to Health



The Root Chakra And What It Says About Our Health.

The Root Chakra is packed with information. November starts my launch into reopening my Healing Touch (Spiritual Healing) services AND Energywork. Two very different theories of healing. It's been 20 years in the making. I'm very excited about it. Please check out the website for detailed information on each service.

Root chakra is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. The root chakra is comprised of whatever grounds you to stability in your life. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, shelter, safety, as well as your emotional needs of interconnection, and being fearless. When these needs are met, you feel grounded and safe. It is the most important Chakra as this is the Fundamental Chakra.

The Root Chakra is associated with the physical body that includes the adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, skeleton/bones, muscles, and arterial blood that flows through the left chamber of the heart, carrying oxygen and nutrients to our body tissue.

The Root Chakra provides the links between our energetic system and the physical world and is our base for our life force energy. It gives us the motivation to eat, sleep and procreate. When it comes to our psychological and spiritual nature, it helps us develop our personal integrity, self-esteem and sense of belonging.

The energies of the Root Chakra help us to feel grounded and connected to this Earth, giving us a place for our life to ‘take root’ and for the flow of energies to propel us forward on our life journey. When these energies are stuck, stagnant, imbalanced, or blocked, our vitality and zest for life are also compromised. This can happen when our sense of belonging in the world is threatened in some way, or is experienced as traumatic, leaving us feeling a deep sense of insecurity.

Imbalance in life force energy in the Root Chakra can leave us feeling restless or experiencing a lack of energy, which may be expressed as anxiety, worry, panic, depression, frustration, resentment, anger/rage, or having no interest in the world or in our own survival. We may also experience symptoms such as being threatened, chronically feel as if we don’t fit in or belong, and experience insecurity and low self-esteem. Mental signs: poor focus, disorganized, pessimism, negative thinking about life and narrow thinking.

Other body systems effected by the health of the Root Chakrs: Reproductive Organs; Immune System, Large Intestines, Lymph system; Skeletal system (teeth and bones); Reproductive organs; prostrate gland (male); Bladder and Excretory systems; Lower extremeties (legs, ankles, feet) 

However, when the Root Chakra is balanced and energy can flow freely, it helps us increase the sense of belonging, feeling secure in our actions and choices, and have the ability to hold an increased sense of self-worth. Mental: Improved concentration, persistence, clear thinking, ability to set goals, ability to prioritize.  Emotional: passion, love, excitement, determination.

The journey to heal trauma /psychological wounds held in Root chakra is facilitated by deeper work with psychotherapy (i.e. trauma psychotherapy), Reiki-Tummo, specific yoga asanas, tai chi, and movement meditation that removes stagnate accumulated emotional energies.

The energy of Root chakra allows us to harness courage, resourcefulness and the will to live during challenging times. Root chakra connects us with spiritual energies of our ancestors, and our ancestors challenges and triumphs. Since Root Chakra carries our ancestral memories, basically everyone experiences challenges or imbalances within Root chakra.


So when I look at the health of your Root Chakra there are many things at play at tell me what may be going on. It depends on how it looks, which direction it is or is not spinning, and what if enrgy maybe leaving it. All these things in connection with the health of your Aura field gives me clues as to what is going on Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically. And this is only One of 7 chakras. WOW. 

Looking forward to sharing more with you. 



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