Last week I shared the importance of having a Healthy Mindset and shared the first step or tool to utilize to achieving that, Acceptance. I expressed that this is the hardest of all the tools to learn.
Today we explore two more tools to help us get on the path to a Healthy Mindset.
Just Breathe – when we feel stressed, unsafe and threatened we fall into “survival mode” and forget to pay attention to one of the most important skills in life: breathing. It has been scientifically proven that the practice of deep breathing and breath work can rewire our brain, regulate your nervous system and ease us into a calm state of mind. Therefore, using deep breathing exercises not only directly impacts your body in a positive manner, it also helps to increase your self-awareness, reconnect with your positive energy and help you take control over your mind. As a practice, I encourage you to do this exercise twice a day.Once in the morning and once at night. You may also use them as you deem necessary.
Sit or lay in a position most comfortable.
Close your eyes if you are comfortable doing so.
Breathe through your nose rather than your mouth if that is comfortable for you.
Deliberately slow your breathing down.
Breathe in to a count of 4
Pause for a moment
Breathe out to a count of 4
Make sure that your breaths are smooth, steady, and continuous
Gratitude – Research has shown how people who practice gratitude experience more joy. I myself have been a willing victim of this amazing practice and can personally attest to its wonders. Gratitude teaches us to look for the good and positive about our lives, as opposed to focusing on lack and negativity. As we foster a mind of scarcity, we create a life filled with pain, sorrow, and resentment. When we practice gratitude, we refocus our energy and attention on what we have, what is working, the strengths and qualities we intrinsically possess, and we allow ourselves to heal from the pain of hopelessness and insufficiency. In order to start your practice, I recommend the next steps:
Keep a journal, writing down what you are grateful on a daily basis can increase feelings of happiness and joy.
Don’t over think it and start with the little big things: people, places, items, pets. Anything goes!
Find new things to write about everything, you’ll be surprised how much we take for granted.
If writing takes too much of your time, name things, people or places you are grateful for throughout your day, or as many times as you can remember.
Wish you and yours the very best today.๐ฎ