Friday, June 5, 2020

First Week Back to Massage After Quarantine - COVID19

Welcome Back
On March 17, 2020 all of us at Insparation Salon received word that we would be closed due to COVID-19 until further notice. I've never experienced anything like this in my life time but it mirrored a lot of experiences I had read about that generations before us had.

I focused on staying calm and using my time to finish up quilting projects. I was in recovery before this virus for being in a car accident that left me with a concussion. I feel the universe gave me a mandatory down time to finally rest enough for my brain to heal.

While I was down and resting, I took continuing education classes for massage therapy, healing (spiritual) and business. I honestly thought that we would be back to work by April 1. But that date came and went. I continued to rest. I finished little projects here and there that I had been leaving for that day when I had nothing else to do. I had a lot of those days so projects got checked off one by one.

At the time of resting, quilting and taking classes it occurred to me that I was also given the 'Time' to correct every little thing that made me upset and uncomfortable about my business and personal life. I have been in business since 2001. I've been Nancy Holtberg Massage, The Journey's Entrance, Orion Wellness Center, and McShane Massage. Believe it or not, each one came with its' own pile of lessons, regrets and disappointments. All leading to one big blister that I carried with me like a badge of honor.  The time had come to take a good look at the blister and heal it.

Now I want to be clear, this blister was of my own making. The devil had me believing things that were not true. He had me chained in fear due to my regrets and disappointments. I struggled with depression and no self worth.  I had tried many different ways to clear this from me but I admit I was stuck.

I decided to look at each issue individually and addressed it. I stayed focused on that one issue until it was done. Until I had a complete feeling of clarity and peace on the issue. Some issues took weeks while others took only a moment.

I set my sites on going back May 1. Honestly - How long can this go on? Quite a long time I guess. May 1st came and went.

Then something magical happened. About mid May I was given the opportunity to have my own office. Without even a thought I excepted the offer. WOW. I haven't had a room to myself since I owed my business, Orion Wellness Center. After weeks of conquering each individual issue of that blister, I found a had a renewed view and giddy attitude. I honestly hadn't felt myself this excited about my skills and business since... I honestly don't remember. Due to my own issues and the rental situations, most of my massage and spiritual items I kept boxed up after Orion closed in 2011. Like a child on Christmas morning, I was so filled with over the top excitement as I pulled out all of my belongs. I missed everything that I believe in and stand for that was all boxed up. For the first time in my career I was finally addressing what 'I' needed and what 'I' wanted to make things right going forward. NO MORE BLISTERS.

We opened this last Monday, June 1st. I had jitters like a new massage therapist. I was afraid that I would forget things and at the same time SO EXCITED over my own renewed spirit and conquering of the devil in my life. I have such a sense of clarity on my intentions for my business including my spiritual services and personal life. This first week at the salon was amazing. Our clients are amazing people and were happy to be back. We as a whole at InSparation Salon are so Blessed.

Wishing you the very Best.
Nancy McShane, CMT, Lightworker, Mystic

Massage & Back Pain

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