Monday, June 15, 2020

Choose the Way of the Light - LOVE

We are all having a human experience; and one such experience is to observe how we react when situations and circumstances appear to push us to our limits.  For in the midst of our being told to shop sensibly, not panic, exercise common sense, as well as social distancing, we really have to remember and perhaps work even harder to focus on not becoming separated from each other. The feeling that we are disconnected is just an illusion.
There are those amongst us who know that part of our duty lies in showing the way in order that others may follow. We each have the responsibility as Lightworkers to lead by example, and to show others, especially amongst this chaos, that there is another way.
We can show others that there truly is no reason to be scared and act out of fear, but that we can choose the way of Light and Love. This perhaps then is where faith and trust in the Divine comes into play. Many of the lessons we have to learn aren’t particularly easy ones and as we learn them, as we did in school, we are frequently tested.
Remember to just try your best each and every day and see what you can do. Simply try to keep love in your heart and mind, always and no matter what.
Wishing you many Blessings on this day

Massage & Back Pain

  Massage therapy as an effective treatment  for back pain Whether you’ve strained a back muscle in the garden, by playing golf, or by pla...