Friday, October 9, 2020

Energywork for Creativity

My very first quilt with my proud mom.

I am a quilter and always channel Energy into anything I create. I find that energy helps me to be a clear channel for whatever is coming through for me to quilt. It also infuses the piece of work with energy, adding another layer to the experience of interacting with that patchwork. There are many ways to express yourself creatively and that creative expression can be a wonderful way of working through issues, clearing blocks, looking within, interacting with the world and being mindful. The process of being creative is a beautiful state to be in, it lets you open yourself up, encourages you to ‘go with the flow’ and enjoy the moment as well as being a new way to release and express. In my experience being creative helps me with self healing, exploring my inner landscape and releasing blocks, making me a clearer channel for Energy as well as a happier, more balanced person.

As well as experiencing Energy for healing, I find Energy wonderful for stimulating creative energy, it flows through me, sparking inspiration and taking my intention, ideas and individuality with it into whatever project I am working on.

2019 Mystery Quilt

Here are a few tips and ideas for using Energy with creativity

Open yourself to Energy and creativity. Before you begin creating take a moment to ground and center. State your intention for this Energy; I say something like ‘I channel this Energy with love and gratitude for the purpose of empowering my creativity’. 
Intention is a huge part of Energy. Hold the intention that the Energy helps you through the creative process, opening you up and allowing creativity to flow. You can simply intend that Energy helps you to open up and express, in which case, just start creating and see what comes up. Interpret the resulting images, flavours, scents, shapes, colours or sounds and any feelings you get during the process, using your intuition.
Let go of any ideas about what you want to create. It’s best not to have any preconceived goals about what you want your ‘finished piece’ to look like. Let go of any outcomes you may have imagined. In my experience what comes about during using Energy with the creative process is so much more than I could have imagined.

You can create in so many different ways. If you have always thought of yourself as not being creative, think again! If you see creativity as stimulated by Energy from outside of yourself you can take your perceived ability out of the equation and simply be open and allow it to happen. You can cook, bake, dance, sing, write, journal, draw, arrange natural objects, create crystal grids or mandalas, doodle, tell stories, collage, act, rearrange furniture, decorate a room, lay out an altar, display collections, mix essential oils or herbs, do adult colouring, scrapbooking, photography…. you can express yourself creatively in so many ways, and remember it’s the being creative that matters, not the resulting physical object (if there is one). All of these activities and so many more can be done whilst channeling Energy.
Creativity can be fantastic for mindfulness. Be totally present while you work, focusing on the colors, shapes, textures and sounds. Use all of your senses to experience this creativity. If your mind wanders, bring it back to the present again.
Alternatively you can use the creative process to let your mind wander and go on an inner journey. Start by being mindful of the moment then be totally open to whatever comes next. Be aware of the thoughts that drift through your mind, and see what messages or inspiration comes.
Whatever tools you are using, see them as an extension of yourself and visualise the Energy flowing out of your hand and through the tool into your work.
However you choose to create, try channeling Energy while you do it. Energy is such a beautiful piece to welcome in to our lives, letting it touch as many areas of our lives a possible can only be a good thing and for me brings a deeper, more rewarding experience.
Wishing you creative joy.

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