How to Develop Your Intuition
Intuitive skills are inside all of us. Intuition is always there for us, to guide, protect, and help us develop. As we grow into adulthood, we may push this intuition to the side to conform to what society says we should do. The more we do this, the less we tend to listen to that little voice or those gut feelings.
And like anything else in life, when you stop using it, you can lose it. A muscle must move, an eye must see, a brain must think; the same holds true for the intuitive process.
3 Ways To Develop Your Intuitive Nature
1. Make it a Game
This is the easiest why to develop that intuitive muscle. Years ago I left for work before my husband. We both got off work at about the same time. On my drive home, I would think of my husband and I would decide or get a gut feeling about which shirt he wore. Then I would call him to see if I was correct. You can do the same if you're in an office situation. Think of an individual you're about to see. What are they wearing? Practice, Practice, Practice. Eventually it'll be second nature to 'Go With Your Gut' on thoughts and feelings. You will have developed your intuitive muscle.
2. Talk to Your Higher Self
Intuition is yourself, your higher self, that is. Creator, the Universe, or your soul are all patiently waiting your instruction, more than happy to guide you. I believe we have forgotten how to communicate things to the universe.
Ask yourself, “Am I sending the message of what I want or am I vibrating what I’m worried about?” The universe may end up giving you the signals that send you to all the wrong places.
How do you speak to yourself? Do you say ‘I am always sick’ or ‘I love being healthy’? Consider and consciously choose your inner dialogue and language. In both statements, you may really want to be healthy. But the statements vary, and they send different signals to the Universe. Choose your dialogue wisely to ensure your desires don’t get skewed.
Your intuition is your own personal GPS, built in with 24/7 access. Continue to charge the power, program the software, and input the correct data and you will succeed.
Some of the above steps will take practice and patience, but will be well worth it. Your personal intuition will become like a magical wand; you’ll wonder how you moved through life without it. Intuition is not for the spiritually gifted, those who meditate all day, or those with relaxed lives. It’s a tool for each and every one of us … Now use it!
3. Mediation
I hate to add this one but it is true. I call mine prayer time. I have early waking hours to sit quietly. I say my prayers for the day and then listen to whatever comes. Maybe this 3rd part should be called LISTEN. Quiet the mind long enough to hear your guidance.
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