Massage and Migraines
Nobody likes to be in pain, and for people who suffer from migraines, pain can be debilitating, disrupting both their personal and professional lives. Whether migraine hits once in a while or on a regular basis, finding relief—preferably relief that can be counted on—is a top priority.
Massage therapy has shown some success in helping people who suffer from migraine better manage the pain. To help clients who get migraines, I understand the condition and what massage therapy has to offer in terms of pain relief.
The Breakdown of a Migraine Attack
Phase 1—Prodrome
Up to 72 hours before the pain hits, there can be warning signs that a migraine is imminent. These signs can include severe exhaustion or hyperactivity, difficulty concentrating, food cravings, sleepiness and neck pain.
Phase 2—Aura
The most commonly reported aura is visual, although it only occurs in onethird of the migraine population. A person’s vision can be interrupted by sparkly spots, zigzag lines or tunnel vision, lasting between 20 to 60 minutes. An aura can present in other ways, too, such as vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and even temporary paralysis on one side of the body.
Phase 3—Headache
The pain during this phase is often described as throbbing, piercing or pulsating. The client may also be sensitive to light, sound and smell. Physical activity usually makes the symptoms worse. This phase can be debilitating for hours or days. Most seek refuge in a quiet, dark room.
Phase 4—Postdrome
Once the pain has subsided, the body requires a recovery period. A person might feel exhausted, sluggish, confused and even depressed.
It's important to get the massage in the early stage or Phase 1 of the Migraine. I have found that giving a massage when a client in the middle of a horrible headache only makes it worse. The increase blood circulation causes more throbbing in the head and dizziness.
So next time you feel a migraine or a headache coming on consider coming in for 15 or 30 mins to simply have neck and shoulders worked on and let's see if this makes a difference.
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