Shades of Blue
Just as there are many shades of blue in nature, there are varying shades of blue energy. Aura colors interpretation is an art, not a science, but it may lend some interesting insights into a person’s life. From sky blue to a turquoise aura, every shade of blue is associated with its own unique personality traits. Is your aura a deep ocean blue, lighter, or maybe tinged with indigo?
A baby blue or light blue aura is sometimes found in people who are good communicators. These people are also thought to be fully open to receiving spiritual or metaphysical energy. Light blue auras may also symbolize a peaceful and positive personality. By some accounts, streaks of sky blue in the aura are thought to be indicators that a person is communicating on an intuitive plane.
A royal blue aura is sometimes considered the “truest blue.” People who are extremely poised, calm and empathetic may have this color in their aura. This shade of energy is believed by some to harmonize with the intelligence of yellow energy. If both are present in the aura, it could represent genius-level intuition and follow-through. This shade is even more open than light blue, and people with clairvoyant abilities may discover this color in their aura. People with a royal blue aura are thought to be undaunted by new challenges, as they are not held back by negative energy.
Like storm clouds brewing on the horizon, a dark blue aura is associated with negative emotions. When light blues become muddy blue or tinged with black, the person may be feeling blocked. Perhaps he or she is fearful about opening up to people. This lack of communication can make it difficult to connect with others and share your perspective. Some people think the best method to heal this energy is to take a vacation. After all, dark blue is connected to stress and overwork. Additionally, finding a way to share your feelings can help you open back up and reconnect to the world.
Wishing the very best in the day ahead.
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