Little bits and pieces of my life. A light hearted way to share, inform and stay in touch.
Massage therapy is still not covered by insurance, and this is further disadvantaging those with chronic or acute medical conditions who have already been paying for these basic medical requirements out of pocket, and are now having to suffer in silence.
We are paying hundreds of dollars a year for health and insurance coverage, many are also paying out of pocket for “alternative” medical services such as massage therapy. The problem lies in the conflicting views concerning massage therapy: is it a luxury or a physical form of medicine?
These hard times offer some perspective: is it finally time for these insurance providers to step up?
Do You Have Coverage for Massage?
Massage therapy may be defined in several different ways by an insurance company. How it is defined and the reason for getting the massage will determine whether you will be covered by your insurance. If a “massage therapist” treatment isn’t covered in your policy, be sure and ask about these alternative options and discuss them with your doctor.
Getting Insurance to Cover Massage
If you want your health insurance to cover massage therapy, you may have to have your massage therapy prescribed or recommended by a doctor. In a recent survey by the American Massage Therapy Association, 67% of respondents said that their physician recommended they get a massage.
How Does Coverage for Massage Work?
Once you know that your health insurance covers massage therapy, here are the important questions to ask so you understand how your policy will cover it:
Well How have things been going? Are you enjoying this cooler weather as much as I am? The cooler temps have meant that the Towel warmer is back up and running in the massage room. YAY! You will know get hot towels on your feet and back. I also have ice cold water bottles for you once your session is done. Hot Stone massages may be coming soon. So excited about this. I love working with hot stones.
I did finally receive those air conditioners this week. HAHA I ordered them back in MAY. They came All the way from China. The crazy part is that they work. The sad part only for two hours. But still this maybe the beginning of a cooler room next summer.
Concussion update. For the most part this last4 weeks have been an amazing improvement. You will notice now I have tape on my glasses by my nose. This is to stop my eyes from seeing the peripheral vision between my eyes. This in turn has stopped the headaches and dizziness. We (my husband and I) are currently discussing whether I should pursue seeing a neurologist specialist to help with the cognitive issues and I am still unable to perform any activity that raises my heart rate. So I'll keep you posted.
I am back in my kitchen now that it's cooler. Back to baking cookies for the kids and grandkids. It's my way of staying connected to them. I pack them in Brown lunch bags with messages to each one individually. We're also back to baking our weekly bundt cakes. YAY!! Crazy as it sounds. I love have a little piece of cake everyday. What a treat. Today I am sharing with you one of our favorite Chili recipes for Game Day crowds.
Having a child is one of the greatest joys in life. However, before you meet the bundle of joy, your body and your mind will go on a nine-month roller coaster ride of change. Alone from the physical change there’s the exhaustion and emotional change that comes with being pregnant. Prenatal massage can be excellent for you and the baby.
Having a baby is one of the most stressful times in a parent's life. Hormones are rapidly changing, leading to increased anxiety, stress, and depression. A soothing therapeutic massage has proven to lower stress hormone levels and increase dopamine and serotonin levels that help control depression among pregnant women. Lower stress levels can lead to better overall health throughout the pregnancy. This can lead to fewer complications for mom and baby during birth.
When you are pregnant, you’ll undoubtedly experience swelling in your joints. This is because of the reduced circulation and pressure on major blood vessels. Prenatal massage will help stimulate the tissues and help reduce the collection of fluid in your joints.
Discomfort and pain will happen when you are pregnant. Regular prenatal massage will help comfort you throughout your pregnancy. General muscle tension, back pain, can lead to headaches and lack of sleep on top of the stress of being pregnant is never a good mix. Relaxing your mind and your body is beneficial for you and the baby.
Got stress? Overscheduling, relationship struggles and other stressors invade our lives on a daily basis, making it easy to feel overwhelmed and out of control. Running at top speed with our minds always three steps ahead, we miss out on much of the joy of being fully present and alive. But it is possible to get off this merry-go-round of distraction and reaction, and to regain a sense of center, purpose and meaning.
Stress is clearly costing us time, money and energy through proper breathing, we can begin break down the toll that stress takes on our bodies and find a sense of balance and revitalization. Take several moments out of your day to just take a deep breathe. While you're driving or standing in line. Or just before the meeting and let's see if you experience a difference.
Breathing Tips
Labor Day, a day marked on many calendars as a well-deserved day off from the grind. Which means it should be considered a day to relax and recharge the batteries, not cram in a weekend on endless activities.
Use these tips to ensure a relaxing and stress-free Labor Day.
Connecting with family and friends is a stress reliever. Whether it is over the phone or during a relaxing family barbecue; use this Labor Day to sit back and connect with those you haven’t had time to see or talk to in a while.
Although Labor Day is for relaxing, it’s also a day to de-stress. Often when we’re going strong in the office — usually burning the “midnight oil” — exercise gets thrown out the window. Take the day to go for a jog, bike ride or a hike. Get out and enjoy nature, it will help you de-stress, and if you do it early in the day, you’ll be completely relaxed to enjoy the rest of your day.
If you’ve been putting off your to-do list, Labor Day is a perfect day to get something done. It isn't the most relaxing way to spend the day, but it will relieve the looming stress of needing to complete the list. Get at least one thing on your list done and you will feel great and have the rest of the day to relax.
Labor Day is your day off. Take this day to turn off the alarm clock and catch up on some much-needed sleep. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to go.
Perhaps one of the best things you could do for yourself is schedule some time for yourself to enjoy a well-deserved massage. Your body and your mind will thank you.
Happy Labor Day from My Family to yours.
Just as there are many shades of blue in nature, there are varying shades of blue energy. Aura colors interpretation is an art, not a science, but it may lend some interesting insights into a person’s life. From sky blue to a turquoise aura, every shade of blue is associated with its own unique personality traits. Is your aura a deep ocean blue, lighter, or maybe tinged with indigo?
A baby blue or light blue aura is sometimes found in people who are good communicators. These people are also thought to be fully open to receiving spiritual or metaphysical energy. Light blue auras may also symbolize a peaceful and positive personality. By some accounts, streaks of sky blue in the aura are thought to be indicators that a person is communicating on an intuitive plane.
A royal blue aura is sometimes considered the “truest blue.” People who are extremely poised, calm and empathetic may have this color in their aura. This shade of energy is believed by some to harmonize with the intelligence of yellow energy. If both are present in the aura, it could represent genius-level intuition and follow-through. This shade is even more open than light blue, and people with clairvoyant abilities may discover this color in their aura. People with a royal blue aura are thought to be undaunted by new challenges, as they are not held back by negative energy.
Like storm clouds brewing on the horizon, a dark blue aura is associated with negative emotions. When light blues become muddy blue or tinged with black, the person may be feeling blocked. Perhaps he or she is fearful about opening up to people. This lack of communication can make it difficult to connect with others and share your perspective. Some people think the best method to heal this energy is to take a vacation. After all, dark blue is connected to stress and overwork. Additionally, finding a way to share your feelings can help you open back up and reconnect to the world.
Wishing the very best in the day ahead.
Once you've made it on to the table it's time to --
The majority of clients end up in some sort of diagonal position on the table.
Once your massage is done - Take that time to rest. Again there is NO REASON to leap from that table and run off to do the next errand and if you try I'm guessing (pretty sure this will happen) you will be too dizzy to get out the door. Lie there a while and wiggle your fingers and toes. Stretch out. Once you feel ready then it's time to move.
My suggestion once you're ready:
Massage therapy as an effective treatment for back pain Whether you’ve strained a back muscle in the garden, by playing golf, or by pla...