Friday, October 30, 2020

The Mechanical Response

The Mechanical Response To Massage

The physical manipulation in massage has two major physical effects:

  • Increase in blood and lymph circulation  
  • Relaxation and normalization of the soft tissue (muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments), which releases nerves and deeper connective tissues.

Improving Circulation

Massage is believed to improve blood and lymph circulation. This is probably due partly to the physical manipulation of soft tissue and partly to the chemicals released as part of the relaxation response.

Improved circulation can enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells. As cellular health improves, tissues function more efficiently. More efficient functioning leads to the removal of waste products and may increase the absorption of excess fluids and reduce swelling in soft tissues.

Relaxing Tissue

Massage therapy relaxes muscle tissue, which reduces painful contractions and spasms. Massage can also reduce nerve compression. To understand this, consider that when muscles are contracted, they sometimes compress the nerves around them. When these muscles are relaxed, the nerves are no longer compressed, and, in theory, can get proper nutrients and operate more efficiently. The nerves can assume their normal work of transmitting messages to and from the brain, which improves functioning of the muscles and organs.

Touching the skin or applying pressure relaxes muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In addition, while some of the deeper tissues of the body, such as deep spinal musculature, cannot be easily accessed by a massage therapist, the release of more superficial layers of muscles may also affect these deeper layers. This can lead to both superficial and deep tissues finding a better alignment and balance.

Organs can also benefit from massage, as they share neurological pain pathways with muscles, bones, and nerves. When muscles, bones, or nerves are distressed, organs can sometimes reflect distress and dysfunction. For example, low back pain can intensify menstrual cramps and menstrual cramps can cause low back muscles to tense. Massage can therefore improve symptoms associated with the functioning of both the organ and the muscles.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Don't Wait For A Crisis

 Don’t Wait For A Crisis

Anytime you’ve tipped the scales in your general health to dis-ease of any kind, it takes your body longer to recover. Whether it’s your intestinal health, stress level, or general pain, there’s a management piece to be considered.

I think, ultimately, massage is best utilized as a preventive measure rather than an approach to pain and trauma. This is often a challenge, as crisis and pain drive a lot of our behavior. Many times, we don’t get serious about things until we are in pain.

By modifying that thinking and understanding massage is an important preventive health strategy, then you’re less likely to find yourself in a situation where you end up falling prey to a stress-related or stress-induced condition.

Stress, in and of itself, isn’t always a bad thing; we need stress to get out of bed and motivate us to be proactive in our lives.

However, when stress really gets to you in a way where you aren’t able to manage it, that becomes problematic mentally, emotionally and physically.

On average a person should receive one massage a month to stay in the preventive health strategy. Consider scheduling yours today. 



Monday, October 26, 2020

Mindful Listening


Mindful Listening

How often do you feel really listened to? How often do you really listen to others?

We know we’re in the presence of a good listener when we get that sweet, affirming feeling of really being heard. But sadly it occurs all too rarely. We can’t force others to listen, but we can improve our own listening, and perhaps inspire others by doing so.

Good listening means mindful listening. Like mindfulness itself, listening takes a combination of intention and attention. The intention part is having a genuine interest in the other person—their experiences, views, feelings, and needs. The attention part is being able to stay present, open, and unbiased as we receive the other’s words—even when they don’t line up with our own ideas or desires.

Paradoxically, being good at listening to others requires the ability to listen to yourself. If you can’t recognize your own beliefs and opinions, needs and fears, you won’t have enough inner space to really hear anyone else. So the foundation for mindful listening is self-awareness.

Here are some tips to be a good listener to yourself so you can be a good listener for others.

How to Really Listen

1. Check inside: “How am I feeling just now? Is there anything getting in the way of being present for the other person?” If something is in the way, decide if it needs to be addressed first or can wait till later.

2. Feeling your own sense of presence, extend it to the other person with the intention to listen fully and openly, with interest, empathy, and mindfulness.

3. Silently note your own reactions as they arise—thoughts, feelings, judgments, memories. Then return your full attention to the speaker.

4. Reflect back what you are hearing, using the speaker’s own words when possible, paraphrasing or summarizing the main point. Help the other person feel heard.

5. Use friendly, open-ended questions to clarify your understanding and probe for more. Affirm before you differ. Acknowledge the other person’s point of view—acknowledging is not agreeing!—before introducing your own ideas, feelings, or requests.

 Have a great day




Friday, October 23, 2020

How Does Massage Work?

We all know it feels good but what is a Massage really doing and how does it work is my focus this week. 

Massage causes physiological changes in your body through:

Physiological Definition:  a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (such as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved

1. The Relaxation Response, which is an involuntary, yet predictable response of the nervous system to massage techniques and touch.

2. The Mechanical Responses, which are physical effects that occur in the body when pressure is applied to the soft tissues.

Together, these responses can produce physical and emotional benefits.

This week I'll post on both of these Responses and explain how it all works together. 

In the meantime, Have a great day and get yourself a massage to experience it yourself. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What is a Connective Tissue Massage


What Is a Connective Tissue Massage

Engaging both the autonomic and somatic body, the mechanical action of connective tissue massage has a direct effect on the tissues, increasing blood supply while regulating the ionic exchanges in the tissues.

What is Connective Tissue?

With connective tissue massage, my primarily focused is on the connective tissue, the linking system of all our cells. Like a spider’s web, connective tissue runs throughout the body, binding us together.

Constantly changing its viscosity and integrity, it is a dynamic area that is responsive to messages from the external and internal receptors, and plays a vital role in the transportation, repair, adaptation and defense of our tissues. Connective tissue is often likened to the embryonic sac of the unborn infant and as such, is an essential component of life-conducting forces.

Changes in the connective tissue are often the result of an illness, a physical injury or emotional distress. For example, stress is capable of disturbing the mineral balance of the tissue and this imbalance leads to a gelatinous thickening of the tissue while compromising the vital flow of water, nutrients and nerve supply, thus impeding neuromuscular conduction.

How is Connective Tissue Performed?

Characteristic of connective tissue massage techniques is the focus on mechanical action and reflex action, which effectively accesses every part of the body, from derm to core. Serving as a linking system, connective tissue relays messages from the underlying organs to the dermis and the musculature.

Connective tissue massage is a precise technique. Working on the skin and superficial fascia and often performed with the client relaxing on the massage table. It is a very lite full body massage. 

The mechanical aspect of connective tissue massage addresses the vascularity and integrity of the underlying tissue while enhancing the tone and elasticity of the skin. The skin acts as a mirror — and trained to recognize alterations in the dermis, the connective tissue massage therapist looks for shadowing, discoloration and constrictions.

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Affects of Massage on Sleep


Massage and Sleep

Sleep is an important aspect of health and well-being. Though there doesn’t seem to be any magic number concerning the amount of sleep people require, getting too little is associated with a number of medical conditions, and can negatively impact a person’s overall health.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions—such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression—which threaten our nation’s health. Notably, insufficient sleep is associated with the onset of these diseases and also poses important implications for their management and outcome.”

Some Recent Research: Low Back Pain and Fatigue

Some recent research is helping shed light on how massage therapy can be used to help people who have difficulty sleeping. One study of how massage therapy can benefit people with lower back pain and sleep disturbances found that the massage therapy group experienced less pain, depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance when compared to the group using only relaxation therapy.

This study comprised 30 adults with low back pain with a duration of at least six months. Randomly assigned to either massage therapy or relaxation therapy, each group had 30-minute sessions, twice a week for five weeks. On the first and last day of the five-week study, participants completed questionnaires and were assessed for range of motion. Along with the benefits for depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance, the massage therapy group also showed improved trunk and pain flexion performance.

A 2010 study investigated the effects of massage therapy for sleep quality on patients who had coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The study evaluated whether massage therapy would be effective in improving sleep quality in patients.

The 40 participants of the study were randomly assigned to a control group or massage therapy group following discharge from the intensive care unit. For three nights, the massage therapy group received massage while the control group did not. The patients were evaluated the following morning using a visual analogue scale for pain in the chest, back and shoulders, as well as fatigue and sleep.
Interestingly, pain in the chest, shoulders and back decreased significantly for both groups from day one to day three. The participants in the massage therapy group, however, had fewer complaints of fatigue on day one and day two, as well as reporting more effective sleep during all three days.

Create a Plan

Is it time to create a wellness plan to combat your nights of endless sleep? Are your aches and pains keeping you up at night? It could be that you may need more frequent, short massages to manage the present health condition. This may increase your sleep quality then allowing you to get back on track with your monthly massage program. 

I offer 15 minute and 30 minute massage sessions to help combat these minor problems. 

Hope to see you soon - Have a great day. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

3 Ways to Develop Your Intuitive Nature

How to Develop Your Intuition

Ever wonder to yourself - How can I develop my own sense of intuition? It just takes constant practice.

Intuitive skills are inside all of us. Intuition is always there for us, to guide, protect, and help us develop. As we grow into adulthood, we may push this intuition to the side to conform to what society says we should do. The more we do this, the less we tend to listen to that little voice or those gut feelings.

And like anything else in life, when you stop using it, you can lose it. A muscle must move, an eye must see, a brain must think; the same holds true for the intuitive process.

3 Ways To Develop Your Intuitive Nature

1. Make it a Game

This is the easiest why to develop that intuitive muscle. Years ago I left for work before my husband. We both got off work at about the same time. On my drive home, I would think of my husband and I would decide or get a gut feeling about which shirt he wore. Then I would call him to see if I was correct. You can do the same if you're in an office situation. Think of an individual you're about to see. What are they wearing? Practice, Practice, Practice. Eventually it'll be second nature to 'Go With Your Gut' on thoughts and feelings. You will have developed your intuitive muscle. 

2. Talk to Your Higher Self

Intuition is yourself, your higher self, that is. Creator, the Universe, or your soul are all patiently waiting your instruction, more than happy to guide you.  I believe we have forgotten how to communicate things to the universe.

Ask yourself, “Am I sending the message of what I want or am I vibrating what I’m worried about?” The universe may end up giving you the signals that send you to all the wrong places. 

How do you speak to yourself? Do you say ‘I am always sick’ or ‘I love being healthy’? Consider and consciously choose your inner dialogue and language. In both statements, you may really want to be healthy. But the statements vary, and they send different signals to the Universe. Choose your dialogue wisely to ensure your desires don’t get skewed.

Your intuition is your own personal GPS, built in with 24/7 access. Continue to charge the power, program the software, and input the correct data and you will succeed.

Some of the above steps will take practice and patience, but will be well worth it. Your personal intuition will become like a magical wand; you’ll wonder how you moved through life without it. Intuition is not for the spiritually gifted, those who meditate all day, or those with relaxed lives. It’s a tool for each and every one of us … Now use it! 

3. Mediation

I hate to add this one but it is true. I call mine prayer time. I have early waking hours to sit quietly. I say my prayers for the day and then listen to whatever comes. Maybe this 3rd part should be called LISTEN. Quiet the mind long enough to hear your guidance. 


Book Now 


Friday, October 9, 2020

Energywork for Creativity

My very first quilt with my proud mom.

I am a quilter and always channel Energy into anything I create. I find that energy helps me to be a clear channel for whatever is coming through for me to quilt. It also infuses the piece of work with energy, adding another layer to the experience of interacting with that patchwork. There are many ways to express yourself creatively and that creative expression can be a wonderful way of working through issues, clearing blocks, looking within, interacting with the world and being mindful. The process of being creative is a beautiful state to be in, it lets you open yourself up, encourages you to ‘go with the flow’ and enjoy the moment as well as being a new way to release and express. In my experience being creative helps me with self healing, exploring my inner landscape and releasing blocks, making me a clearer channel for Energy as well as a happier, more balanced person.

As well as experiencing Energy for healing, I find Energy wonderful for stimulating creative energy, it flows through me, sparking inspiration and taking my intention, ideas and individuality with it into whatever project I am working on.

2019 Mystery Quilt

Here are a few tips and ideas for using Energy with creativity

Open yourself to Energy and creativity. Before you begin creating take a moment to ground and center. State your intention for this Energy; I say something like ‘I channel this Energy with love and gratitude for the purpose of empowering my creativity’. 
Intention is a huge part of Energy. Hold the intention that the Energy helps you through the creative process, opening you up and allowing creativity to flow. You can simply intend that Energy helps you to open up and express, in which case, just start creating and see what comes up. Interpret the resulting images, flavours, scents, shapes, colours or sounds and any feelings you get during the process, using your intuition.
Let go of any ideas about what you want to create. It’s best not to have any preconceived goals about what you want your ‘finished piece’ to look like. Let go of any outcomes you may have imagined. In my experience what comes about during using Energy with the creative process is so much more than I could have imagined.

You can create in so many different ways. If you have always thought of yourself as not being creative, think again! If you see creativity as stimulated by Energy from outside of yourself you can take your perceived ability out of the equation and simply be open and allow it to happen. You can cook, bake, dance, sing, write, journal, draw, arrange natural objects, create crystal grids or mandalas, doodle, tell stories, collage, act, rearrange furniture, decorate a room, lay out an altar, display collections, mix essential oils or herbs, do adult colouring, scrapbooking, photography…. you can express yourself creatively in so many ways, and remember it’s the being creative that matters, not the resulting physical object (if there is one). All of these activities and so many more can be done whilst channeling Energy.
Creativity can be fantastic for mindfulness. Be totally present while you work, focusing on the colors, shapes, textures and sounds. Use all of your senses to experience this creativity. If your mind wanders, bring it back to the present again.
Alternatively you can use the creative process to let your mind wander and go on an inner journey. Start by being mindful of the moment then be totally open to whatever comes next. Be aware of the thoughts that drift through your mind, and see what messages or inspiration comes.
Whatever tools you are using, see them as an extension of yourself and visualise the Energy flowing out of your hand and through the tool into your work.
However you choose to create, try channeling Energy while you do it. Energy is such a beautiful piece to welcome in to our lives, letting it touch as many areas of our lives a possible can only be a good thing and for me brings a deeper, more rewarding experience.
Wishing you creative joy.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

7 Tips To Hear Higher Guidance.

How Can You Receive Higher Guidance

Placing our hands on the body and allowing energy to flow is just one aspect of healing. When I heal with the divine energy, chakras open up and become channels for higher guidance or divine guidance. 

Today we will take a look at some tips to help you hear the guidance of your very own. 

1. Choose a room/space that is clean and quiet to do this exercise.

2. Sit comfortably on a mat or chair. Remember to Breathe

3. Prayer. I start my day in prayer. Before anyone comes to the Massage Room for sessions, I open the room with a prayer. I end my work day in Prayer and at the end of the day, before I close my eyes, I give a prayer of thanks. It doesn't have to be long and complicated. But it does need to start with "Dear Lord' and end with 'In Jesus' Name' for prayer to work. Here's one I recommend. 

  • Dear Lord, I’m here today with open hands and an open heart, ready to depend on you to help me through the day and all it will bring my way. Help me as I come to you for guidance, strength, provision and protection. As I face tough choices and hard situations, help me remember that I am Your child and Your representative to the world around me. Help me live today in a way that brings honor to Your holy name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

4. Wait a minute. You may notice a shift in the energy of the room or you may feel some warm energy beside you. Or you may not feel anything except a sense of peace. Trust that you are connected and proceed to the next step.

5. Bring your awareness to the issue for which you wish to receive higher guidance. State it aloud if you feel like. Ask your questions.  Once you are done talking, just relax and allow your guidance to spring forth. Do not strain to receive. When we strain, it is easy for the voice of the ego to take over and we may end up getting confusing guidance. When we relax, we receive guidance of the highest and purest nature.

6. Your guidance is likely to come in the form of clear thoughts or strong feelings. Trust it. Sometimes, you may feel a soft voice speaking to you. Whatever form it takes does not matter. What matters is that you recognise and trust the experience while it occurs. Do not try to analyse whether it is true guidance or a figment of your imagination. 

7. Conclude by expressing your gratitude. A simply Thank you is all that's needed. 

May you have the best day. 


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What to Expect With CBD

What To Expect With CBD

Still unsure about what is CBD is? You may be asking some basic questions about CBD, such as is it necessary to get a doctor’s prescription for CBD, how to use CBD and how much CBD to use. I currently offer Massage cream for use on a specific area. Clients that have been in getting a monthly massage have seen an improvement in their issues. 

 Let’s take a look at some of these issues:

What is CBD?

CBD is one of the over 60 cannabinoids or naturally-occurring chemicals found in industrial hemp and marijuana that interact with natural receptors in the brain and body to affect pain response, among other effects. Cannabinoids work with the body’s own endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is made up of endocannabinoids or neurotransmitters that send chemical messages between neurons, which are the cells that transmit nerve impulses.

 Is a prescription necessary?

A CBD oil prescription is not necessary for hemp-derived CBD.  However, the requirement is different if the CBD oil comes from marijuana and contains more than 0.3% THC, which is the mind-altering ingredient that produces a high. In some states, patients can use CBD oil with more than 0.3% THC if they have a medical marijuana card or an exception.[2]

The only product currently approved by FDA that contains CBD as the main active ingredient is Epidiolex. The drug is approved for use as treatment for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, which are two rare types of epilepsy.

How to use CBD

When it comes to how to use CBD oil for pain or to lower stress, there is an array of available consumption methods. CBD offerings include oils, topicals, tinctures, capsules, edibles, and more. Based on need, different absorption methods will be most appropriate.

On the skin:

Topical products, including creams, lotion, balms and gels are applied to the skin over the area where there is pain. When CBD is applied topically, it never reaches the bloodstream but can be absorbed through the skin’s surface to interact with nearby cannabinoid receptors.[4] Since topical CBD use is localized, there is no need to dose too much. Assume a little cream goes a long way and start with a small amount on the problem area. After an hour or so, try reapplying. Any of the topicals that have Camphor, Lidocaine or Menthol can be applied up to 3-4 times a day.  

What are the effects?

CBD will affect everyone differently. Specific characteristics of an individual, such as weight, diet, metabolism, other medications, genetics, and medical conditions, as well as the formulation and quality of the CBD product itself all can influence the amount of therapeutic value that CBD will offer.  Also, depending on the therapeutic needs, different CBD products may prove more beneficial than others. [6] A good idea is to track the effects of a product for a week or so to see the effect of the product.


While everyone’s response to CBD will be different, the most common results include:

  • Pain relief
  • More focus
  • Less stress and anxiety
  • Enhanced sleep

I am now offering a retail line of CBD product. Contact me for a link to the brochure.

Have a great day. 
[1] Gill, Lisa L., “CBD Goes Mainstream,” Consumer Reports, April 11, 2019.
[2] Richter, Nicole and medically reviewed by Morski, MD, Esq., Lynn Marie, “Do You Need a Prescription for CBD Oil?” Way of Leaf, January 2, 2020.
[3] “CBD for Arthritis Pain: What You Should Know,” Arthritis Foundation, accessed August 5, 2020.
[4] “How Does the Body Absorb CBD,” ECHO, accessed August 5, 2020.
[5] Gill, Lisa L., “How to Safely Use CBD: Should You Inhale, Spray, Apply or Eat It?”, Consumer Reports, August 26, 2018.
[6] “What does CBD oil feel like,” Weedmaps, accessed August 6, 2020.

Monday, October 5, 2020

6 Rules to Follow When Walking

Tips For A Better Walk

People are often surprised to learn that there's more to walking than simply putting one foot in front of the other. In fact, a little technique goes a long way to making your walks more enjoyable and more effective. Technique is especially important if you are hoping to become fitter and lose weight, because it will enable you to walk faster and longer. When you're standing tall, your muscles will move through a greater range of motion for a more powerful stride. Improving your walking posture will help you to look and feel more confident, too—and you'll look slimmer before losing a single pound. It will also help alleviate aches and pains and allow you to take deep breaths for more energy.

The following rules will help you maintain good form.

1. Stand tall. Many people bring that hunched-over- the-computer posture to their walks. This position makes it harder for you to breathe and may contribute to backaches. Other people lean backward. Instead, extend your spine as if you were being lifted from the crown of your head. Place your thumbs on your lower ribs and your fingertips on your hips. As you stand up tall, notice how the distance in between increases. Try to maintain this elongation as you walk.

2. Eyes up. If you're looking down at your feet, you're putting unnecessary stress on your upper back and neck. Bring your gaze out about 10 to 20 feet in front of you. You'll still be able to spy obstacles ahead and prevent upper-body tension.

3. Shoulders back, down, and relaxed. Roll your shoulders up, back, and then down. This is where your shoulders should be as you walk—not pulled up toward your ears. Think about keeping your shoulders away from your ears to reduce upper-body tension and allow for a freer arm swing.

4. Swing from your shoulders. Let your arms swing freely from your shoulders, not your elbows. Swing your arms forward and back, like a pendulum. Don't bring them across your body or let them go higher than your chest.

5. Maintain a neutral pelvis. Keep your abs tight, but don't tuck your tailbone under or stick your belly out and overarch your back.

6. Step lightly. You should be rolling from heel to toe as you stride, not landing flat-footed with a thud. And don't reach your leg far out in front of you. That increases impact on your joints and actually slows you down. You want a smooth, quiet stride—no bouncing or plodding along—to reduce your risk of injury.

When you are walking correctly, your body is performing at it's best. You will possibly have less stress. Less body aches and pains. I haven't touched on the importance of wearing the correct shoes while walking here. Perhaps that's another blog post. 

Have a great day


Massage & Back Pain

  Massage therapy as an effective treatment  for back pain Whether you’ve strained a back muscle in the garden, by playing golf, or by pla...