Wednesday, December 30, 2020

5 Tips for the Perfect Health and Wellness Resolution Plan

5 Tips for the Perfect Health and Wellness Resolution Plan

 The time has come to reflect on the year that was in 2020 and begin making plans for 2021. It’s officially the time of the season for New Year’s Resolutions. How do you go about making your resolution? Do you think about a couple of things such as lose weight or save money, or is your goal to get a new job? 

Before you start throwing around ideas, stop and think for a minute about how you are going to make your resolution happen. The first thing you should do is lay out a plan for your resolution plan. Having a plan for your health and wellness resolutions will give you a better chance at making your resolution a reality. 

Use these tips to make your resolution actually last: 

Make a Measurable Goal 

One of the biggest reasons why people give up on their resolutions is that they create goals that are vague or completely out of reach. If there is a particular goal, you will be more motivated to meet it. Think of it as a finish line that you’ll push yourself to cross. Rather than saying, “I want to lose weight in 2021,” say, “I want to lose 10 pounds in 2021.” 

Set Short-Term Goals Along the Journey

Create short-term goals along with your yearly goals. Having a shorter goal offers you a “check-in” point. It will give you time to assess where you’re at with your resolution. If you’ve fallen off your track, then you can adjust and get back to your goals. When you achieve your smaller goal, you’ll be motivated to continue your path. 

Reward Yourself 

Don’t forget to plan to reward yourself as you accomplish minor achievements along the way. Celebrating your wins will help you keep going and achieving your overall big picture goals. After all, the point of a resolution is to improve something about yourself, keep it positive as you move through the year. 

Will Your Resolution Make you Happy?

It seems like a silly question, but make sure that your resolution will make you truly happy. Actually take a moment to think about it when you’re making your plan; will this truly make me happier? If the resolution is not significant enough to you, it’s that much easier for you to forget about it. 

Don’t Obsess, Prioritize

While it’s important to keep your New Year’s Resolutions as one of your top priorities, it’s also important not to obsess over them. Only check yourself when you set your goal dates, not every day. For example, if you’re trying to lose weight, you won’t see results if you step on the scale every day. This could lead to you getting depressed and giving up on your resolution if you do not see big results. And don’t let your resolution consume your life either. Wait to check your short-term goals to check your status. 

When creating your health and wellness resolutions, remember you’re doing this to make improvements for yourself, to make yourself happier. Use these tips to make a New Year’s Resolution plan, make sure you incorporate regular massage therapy into your plan, for a healthier, more relaxed 2021. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

How Massage Therapy And Healing Touch Benefits Weight Loss

How Massage Therapy and Healing Touch Benefits Weight Loss

 Millions of Americans will attempt to start their 2021 with a weight loss-focused resolution. Before you tackle your weight loss challenge, have you thought about incorporating regular massage therapy into your fitness plan? We all know that there are many benefits to regular massage therapy, but you might be surprised that massage therapy has many positive benefits for weight loss. 

Help with Weight Loss

In addition to healthy eating and regular workouts, specialized massage techniques can help you with your weight loss goals. Massage therapy breaks down subcutaneous fat that will help you get rid of unwanted cellulite. When you’re losing weight your body is working hard; massage therapy can help heal your muscles and treat the body pain you have to endure throughout your journey. After a relaxing massage, your body will feel recharged and ready to get back to work. 

A Partner in Your Corner

Losing weight is one of the most challenging things for you to accomplish. Going at it alone is tough. If you have a personal trainer, you’ll have someone in your corner helping to guide you along the way. Your massage therapist is also another great resource for support. You can talk to your therapist about your body, your concerns and any pain you might have. They’ll customize a massage to you, and they’ll be there to cheer you on throughout your weight loss challenge. 

Reward Yourself

One of the key ingredients to a successful weight loss plan is rewarding yourself for small accomplishments. Along with the health benefits, receiving regular massage therapy will act as a way to reward yourself for meeting a goal. Relax your body with massage after a tough workout as well as heal your mind. Losing weight is not just a physical change, as it also requires a mental change in attitude. After all, you’re changing your entire lifestyle, which is stressful. Massage therapy will ease your stress and allow yourself to reconnect with your mind and get rid of any negativity that might exist. 

There’s no hiding that losing weight is a challenging mission and it’s important to have a good plan in place. Consult with me before you begin your training regimen. We'll create a custom massage therapy program that will help you meet your weight loss goals.

Another therapy to consider while on your weightloss journey is Healing Touch. The following are areas in which Healing will help. 

Reducing Stress 

A study published in November 2016 in Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem found healing combined with massage led to a 21 percent reduction in anxiety levels, compared with a 16 percent reduction for massage alone. How does destressing help your weight-loss efforts? According to Harvard Health Publishing, stress is linked to weight gain because increased stress levels release the hormone cortisol, which amps up your appetite. Oftentimes, your go-to foods when you’re stressed will be unhealthy comfort foods that are high in fat, sugar, calories, or all of the above. Eating these kinds of food actually makes you become hungrier a short time later, so the cycle of increased calories continues.

Promoting Quality Sleep 

Although there’s no solid research showing this benefit, but better-quality sleep is one of the possible benefits of healing touch. That, in turn, could help your waistline the same way stress reduction does: by promoting healthier food choices. Normal-weight adults who are deprived of sleep for only a short period of time will have a boost in hormones that encourage eating high-fat and high-sugar foods. A review and meta-analysis published in November 2016 in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found sleep deprivation led people to consume 385 extra calories per day, on average, which can lead to weight gain over time.

Increased Mindfulness 

The Healing Touch benefit helps if called upon while eating. By not engaging in distracted eating, such as snacking while driving or watching TV, you may make better food choices. A review published in March 2018 in Current Obesity Reports says mindful eating can help with portion control and reduce food cravings, body weight, and BMI.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

3 Ways Massage Benefits Dry Skin

3 Ways Massage Benefits Dry Skin

 There’s no doubt that the cooler temperatures and dry air of winter can play havoc on your skin. Dry, chapped skin isn’t just uncomfortable or painful — it is unhealthy and can form lines and wrinkles. The bottom line is it will make you seem older than you are, and nobody wants that. Prepare your skin with massage therapy so that you can reduce the dryness and keep your skin looking healthy and young this winter. 


Massage therapy is great for your entire body, but it is especially good for your skin. When you receive your massage, the oils used will hydrate your skin. Using oils that are rich in nutrients such as vitamin E, jojoba, sesame, primrose, and almond will help introduce moisture into your skin. 


In addition to adding moisture to your dry, chapped skin, a massage will exfoliate your skin. By getting rid of dead skin cells, your skin will be able to absorb the oils and nutrients from the massage oils much more effectively. With the dead skin gone, your skin will have a rejuvenated natural glow and softer touch.


We all know that regular massage therapy helps you naturally feel better. In the harsh conditions of winter, an appropriate massage will help your skin heal and prepare it for the conditions it will face. Healthy skin will help you feel refreshed and relaxed. 

See you soon!

Nancy McShane

McShane Massage

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Importance of a Healthy Aura Field

Why is it important to Understand at the Function of a Healthy Aura

 Our Aura is our first line of defense. It lets us know when something is awry. Some people call it a "gut" response but our aura does trigger us to be able to sense in whatever way is right for us, what is going on and if it is safe for us to participate.  

When our energy field is strong we are healthy and vibrant. Our aura is smooth strong, colorful and can light up a room or put someone at peace. We experience a collective good and become aware of our existence as part of the whole. We are able to perform all you need to do.

Successful balanced people have healthy auras. They have opportunities that they created by keeping a high vibration. They have focus and the ability to tap into higher universal consciousness for all their needs to be met.

An unhealthy aura is usually thin, gray or dark, there are holes in it and it can be spikey or choppy thick in some areas and thin in others. The person may not feel well, or be experiencing some sort of imbalance. They could be grieving or depressed. Sometimes consciousness is handed down, hereditary consciousness that manifests later in life as all kinds of maladies. People who are addicted to mind altering substances can often have holes in their aura. People with holes in their aura are often subjected to the negative projections of others as well as entity and psychic attacks from other resonating dimensions. Most times it is the self-diminishing thoughts projected onto the self that begins or contributes largely to this process. We always have this very moment to decide to accept and project loving, validating, accepting thoughts for the self. No one person is as powerful as the "self". You are the most powerful person in your life

Friday, December 18, 2020

Massage the Natural Relief for the Common Cold

 Massage the Natural Relief
 for the Common Cold

We all know the feeling; it starts with a scratch on the back of the throat, then you’re tired, and then you cough. Yep, you’ve got a cold. It's a pretty common feeling around this time of year, between your children bringing germs home from school and the added stress of the season changing — it is a popular time for the common cold to just pop into your life. However, before you reach for the over the counter decongestants and cough medicine — try some natural cold relief like massage therapy. 

Heal with Stress Relief 

Did you know that stress is one of the most harmful things to your immune system? When the seasons change, we are more susceptible to colds because we all have a little more anxiety and stress. Regular massage therapy promotes deep breathing that helps lower your stress levels as well as your blood pressure. While reducing your stress, massage also increases endorphins that work to build up your immune system to help you fight off the pesky cold. 

A Quick Recovery 

If you do get a cold, massage therapy can also help you recover faster. Massage increases the flow of blood and fluids that help nourish your body. Increasing blood flow also helps your body fight off germs and toxins in your system and contributes to removing any waste or germs from your body. If your cold symptoms include congestion in your head and chest, you’ll also feel relief and notice draining after your massage. 

Although massage is good for colds, it’s also important to be mindful of your massage therapist and communicate your symptoms. As always, drink plenty of fluids and get rest with a cold, especially after a massage. Massage therapy helps keep your immune system healthy and ready for the cold season. The next time you start sniffling, try a relaxing massage for natural cold relief.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

4 Reasons Why Massage is the Best Gift Ever.

 A massage gift certificate tucked into a holiday card may seem unassuming, but the effects of this present will be powerful.

People turn to massage for stress relief, pain alleviation and relaxation, and massage is appropriate for just about anyone—from healthy adults to seniors and pregnant women to athletes. Massage therapy is also safe and beneficial for people living with conditions including cancer, fibromyalgia and arthritis.

This is why treating the people on your gift list to massage makes sense this holiday season. Regular massage clients will know what to look forward to, and for someone who has never had a massage, a gift certificate can make his or her first session more accessible.

Here are four reasons why massage should be at the top of your holiday gift list, along with suggestions for massage and bodywork specialties to present to friends, colleagues and family:

1. The Gift of Stress Relief

The holidays can be filled with family, friends, fun, food—and freneticism. Gift-buying, overeating and travel can leave any merrymaker feeling tired and stressed. Massage makes the best holiday gift because it calms the nervous system and provides an oasis of respite from the holiday frenzy.

Three types of massage to gift:


  • Swedish massage: The most well-known type of massage, which utilizes strokes including stroking, kneading, percussion, vibration and friction.
  • Stone massage: Heated or cooled stones are placed on the body for energy balancing and a pampering sensation that contributes to the relaxation response.


2. The Gift of Pain Removal

From hanging Christmas lights to digging the Hanukkah candles out of the basement, the holidays’ decorating activities can create strain, sprain and pain. Massage makes the best holiday gift because it addresses pain and stiffness by increasing circulation, improving flexibility, and releasing crinkles and tight spots from muscles.

Three types of massage to gift:


  • Therapeutic massage: This session will feature techniques such as myofascial release, which affects connective tissue by applying pressure in the direction of fascial resistance.


3. The Gift of Raised Spirits

The holidays aren’t jolly all the time; family conflict, feelings of grief and other mood-stressors can arise, even in the midst of a Kwanzaa celebration. Massage makes the best holiday gift because it can boost mood. The release of the feel-good hormone, oxytocin, is increased during massage, as is the release of serotonin and dopamine.

Three types of massage to gift:


  • Healing Touch: An energetic healing system that utilizes off-the-body hand placements to transmit healing energy from the practitioner to the recipient.
  • Geriatric massage: This session will feature massage techniques modified for safe application to older people, who might arrive at a session with issues related to joint pain or fragile skin.


4. The Gift of Ease

Give yourself the gift of a super-simple present purchase. Massage makes the best holiday gift because professional massage therapists offer gift certificates for sale, via in-person sales, a website or a Facebook page. Whether you purchase now or at the last minute, your gift of massage will be the easiest gift you give this holiday season—and the most appreciated.

Three types of massage to gift:


  • Pregnancy massage: This session will feature massage techniques modified for safe application to pregnant clients.
  • Cold Stone massage: This session might entail lymphatic-drainage strokes to firm sagging facial and neck skin, ease away facial lines, stimulate blood and oxygen, and release toxins. The treatment can also involve hot towel wraps and oils.

Virtually anyone on your list will appreciate the gift of massage therapy this holiday season.


Monday, December 14, 2020

5 Tips: How to be a Good Holiday Gift Giver

5 Tips: How to be a Good Holiday Gift Giver

 We all love the look of a person’s face when they receive the perfect gift. It’s even more satisfying if that look comes from a gift that you gave. You should pat yourself on the back, because holiday gift giving is no easy activity. How often do you end up “settling” for a gift and not getting the person the "perfect" item on their wish list? This leads to the question, are you a good holiday gift giver? If you’re not sure, here are a few tips. 

Listen and Take Notes 

One of the easiest things to do is listen to your friends and family. Everyone will drop subtle hints to what they want throughout the year. You’ll discover something they may want. Take a mental note, write it down or make a note on your phone. Then when it’s time to shop, you’ll be ready to surprise. 

Avoid Last Minute Shopping

We all say we are not going to shop last-minute, but for one reason or another, we all end up doing it. Shopping last-minute leads to stress, which leads to quickly picking something you think they’d like, and not something that you spend time thinking about and know for sure the person will love it. 

Don’t Forget to Wrap

Let your creativity run free when wrapping gifts. Unique wrapping makes the gift more memorable and creates more excitement for the person receiving the present. You could wrap with plain paper and draw a picture or write a note. Another idea would be to use a special bow that makes the gift stand out. If the gift inside is truly special, allow the wrapping to match. 

Write a Note

When was the last time you wrote a handwritten note to someone? With texting, emojis and IM there’s not a lot of personal touch that goes into messages these days. Take the time to write a handwritten, meaningful note and attach it to your gift.

Don’t Gift just to Gift

This goes without says, but it’s a good reminder. Make sure that your gift is something thoughtful and doesn’t just take up space in someone’s house. The last thing you want is to go for a visit and see your gift collecting dust. 

Use these tips to become a good gift giver. Because there isn’t a better feeling than knowing “that look” on a loved one’s face is because you got them the perfect holiday gift.

If you’re searching for ideas, there’s no better holiday gift than the gift of peace this holiday season.

Wishing you Tons of love and Happiness this Holiday Season.

Monday, November 23, 2020

How to Develop Mindfulness

 The Basics of Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness helps us put some space between ourselves and our reactions, breaking down our conditioned responses. Here’s how to tune into mindfulness throughout the day:

  1. Set aside some time. You don’t need a meditation cushion or bench, or any sort of special equipment to access your mindfulness skills—but you do need to set aside some time and space.

  2. Observe the present moment as it is. The aim of mindfulness is not quieting the mind, or attempting to achieve a state of eternal calm. The goal is simple: we’re aiming to pay attention to the present moment, without judgment. Easier said than done, we know.

  3. Let your judgments roll by. When we notice judgments arise during our practice, we can make a mental note of them, and let them pass.

  4. Return to observing the present moment as it is. Our minds often get carried away in thought. That’s why mindfulness is the practice of returning, again and again, to the present moment.

  5. Be kind to your wandering mind. Don’t judge yourself for whatever thoughts crop up, just practice recognizing when your mind has wandered off, and gently bring it back.
That’s the practice. It’s often been said that it’s very simple, but it’s not necessarily easy. The work is to just keep doing it. Results will accrue. Have a great day. Nancy

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

5 Ways to Unstuck Your Energy


5 Ways to Unstuck Your Energy

We all feel stuck at one time or another, but it’s how we face our “stuck” that matters.

If you’re feeling like life is one step forward and three steps back, it’s important to know that we all feel that way at times! You’re definitely not alone.

You can change this pattern!

 Five simple and easy tips:

1. Get up and get moving! When you’re feeling low or out of sorts it’s a natural tendency to pull in and isolate yourself. This is one of the worst things you could do when you feel stuck. Sitting around in a slump isn’t going to do any good for you. Get the energy in your body moving by releasing the humdrums and getting active. It’s fun!

Give yourself a good push to do the things you know you need to do and not just “want” to do. Once you get moving, you’ll see that taking action like this will help you become empowered in your life, one step at a time!

2. Unplug from Technology.

Mix it up a little and find an exciting new hobby to stimulate your senses. Go out of your way to do something different or try something new, just for the heck of it. Take a dance class, go paddle boating, or try hiking. The key is to get out of the house and away from your normal day-to-day habits.

It’s all about intention! Being intentional about how you spend your time can help you move forward. Ask a friend or family member to take part and hold you accountable. You’re more likely to take action if you know someone else will be asking you about your forward momentum.

3. Get grounded. Connect with yourself and feel your own sense of being. When you’re feeling like you’re not in touch with yourself, find time to get grounded. This may be through listening to music that resonates with your soul. It might be by taking a long walk in the park, or on a trail to just get away from distractions and get back into your own body’s natural rhythm.

Allow yourself to breathe and get into your body and become more aligned with yourself, so you can dispel any negative energies that might be lurking.

Many times we breathe in short and shallow breaths. Take deep intentional breaths that fill your lungs with air, this may feel like you’re breathing from your abdomen. Feel the air coming in and cleansing your body as you exhale. Allow the sound of your breathing to come into your awareness. Breathe in all the goodness and let the air out with the healing sound of your voice. Your new self-awareness will help you find the motivation to easily move forward.

4. Change the conversation that you’re having with yourself. Let’s face it, we often take too much stalk in what other’s think of us, but by far we are our worst critic. The conversations you have with yourself are far more important than the ones you have with others. Focus on being the YOU, you’re choosing to be. Remind yourself that you’re filled with limitless potential. You have the power within you to create the life you dream of living.

Allow yourself to attract what you require into your life. It’s simple! Create a higher energy frequency in order to attract more positive things into your life. Begin by being mindful of your breathing. Continue to breathe when you realize you’re holding your breath and allow your thoughts to flow with your breath as well. Just one of these simple tools will help you change the conversation that you’re having with yourself to one that is useful and powerful. Raising your energy frequency is powerful when it comes to creating change in your body and in your life!

5. Invite a NEW perspective. No matter how insurmountable your circumstances may seem, there is always more than one way to look at the situation. What if you choose to reframe how you view your life? What would be possible then? All things are possible!

Change your perspective and looking at change in a positive way will help you see the higher good that comes from allowing space in your life, so you can manifest the things you choose to have.

Imagine how awesome you would feel if you could wake up each morning feeling confident. You’d no longer struggle with troubling or negative emotions.

Allow yourself to take positive movements forward each day. It’s the key to creating lasting change. 

Wishing you the very best 


Friday, November 13, 2020

Shades of Yellow Aura


Shades of the Yellow Aura


A light yellow aura is connected with new beginnings, new awakenings, or the start of a spiritual journey. It is considered by some people to be a fragile, delicate shade, much like a newborn baby. This color will be nurtured as the person with this energy grows through new experiences. A person who is producing a light yellow aura may be starting a new phase of life or opening up to new experiences. Like the first rays of sunrise, light yellow is full of hope and possibilities.


While light yellow energy is generally seen as optimistic, bright yellow can be associated with inner conflict or struggles. Similar to a bright yellow lemon, a person with this color in their aura may be feeling a little sour or be struggling with their mental health. Someone who refuses to deal with the root of their problems and instead gets bogged down by anxiety or depression may project this color in their aura. Remedies for negative energy and internal conflict of this color include meditation or finding time to enjoy nature.


People with a golden yellow aura are considered by some to be “as good as gold.” Great leaders, enlightened teachers and effective healers are believed to project golden auras. This color is associated with personal power, wisdom, generosity and spiritual enlightenment, especially when detected in a halo around the head. Spiritual enlightenment is connected to golden auras, and it is typically interpreted as a positive color.

Monday, November 9, 2020

The Personality Of A Yellow Aura


The Personality of A Yellow Aura

Like the other aura colors, a yellow aura has a corresponding chakra. The solar plexus chakra and is considered by some to be connected to your core energy. A yellow aura is sometimes also associated with an active third-eye chakra, due to a strong connection to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. However, the solar plexus chakra is tied to a person’s confidence, sense of self and overall fulfillment—something with which yellow energy is deeply intertwined. Internal joy and satisfaction in life is a sign that the third chakra and the yellow aura are both active.

Personality Traits for Yellow Auras

There’s a reason yellow is the color of sunshine. Often associated with joy and freedom, yellow auras are considered to be indicators of lightheartedness and a fun-loving nature.

Of all the possible colors in an aura, none is more joyful than yellow energy. The meaning of yellow energy is often associated with freedom, joy, intelligence and spiritual enlightenment. People with above-average intelligence may have a primarily yellow aura. Likewise, someone who is a free spirit or doesn’t like to hold grudges may exhibit yellow energy.

Yellows are often relaxed as long as they are having fun. While they cherish friendships as much as most people, they do not need to be in the company of others to be happy. Yellows are truly free-spirits, flowing from one interesting experience to another in a pattern that never seems to weaken.

The yellow aura is behind many who have devised ways to make life easier and happier for others. Those with a yellow aura often work hard to infuse the joy they feel in everyday life, into those around them. They have a love for life, nature, and the earth itself, and are ever on the lookout for ways to help and heal. The natural intelligence of Yellows often tempers their thrill-seeking, keeping them away from destructive or dangerous highs. Instead, that energy remains funneled in the creative process. Those with the aura are adventurous and thrive off of physical activity and an innate happiness that can never be dampened for long.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Spiritual Healing Touch and Anxiety

Spiritual Healing Touch and Anxiety

Spiritual healing touch is a kind of energy healing in which I places my hands on or near my client in order to heal them. Studies on Healing touch have suggested that it may help reduce stress and anxiety, heal wounds and decrease pain. 

As a Healing touch practitioner, I believe that I can redirect a person’s energy by interacting with that person's energy field, stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal. If someone has pneumonia we give them antibiotics. But in healing touch, I try to help people get their energy flowing the way it needs to go so the person can heal themselves. 

The Science Behind Spiritual Healing Touch

In 2010 Coakley’s research team found that postoperative patients who received healing touch had lower levels of pain and cortisol — a hormone released in response to stress — and higher natural killer cells than those who received usual care.

  • Reduce pain and fatigue in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
  • Reduce pain and anxiety in burn patients
  • Help autistic children to be calmer and gentler 

However, despite extensive research suggesting the benefits of healing touch, there is no scientific explanation of the energy field. Current data suggest a combination of counseling and medication works best to teach the brain how to cope with anxiety and break out of the vicious cycle. I agree with this data and suggestion because I see many things in our auras that are related to our mental health. Damage or conditions of the aura are connected to the chakras and connected often times to this life's mental health. 

Spiritual Healing Touch: What a Session Is Like

A Spiritual healing touch sessions can take place with a client either sitting or standing and last between 10 to 30 minutes. I first need to clear my mind and center myself in order to communicate with the clients energy field. 

The technique of Spiritual healing touch has been described in the following manner. Starting at a person’s head, I place my hands with palms facing down, 2 to 6 inches away from the client's body to locate any blockages in energy. I go back and forth over the body to replace any harmful energy with God's grace or energy from the higher power. This energy is not of my own to give. During this process, clients usually close their eyes and try to relax. Clients have reported feeling warm and relaxed during the process and sometimes fall asleep. 

Results of the treatment vary depending on the person and their condition. Some clients feel relief instantaneously while others don’t see an improvement until after receiving multiple sessions. 

Nancy McShane

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

5 Benefits of a Hot Stone Massage


5 Benefits Of A Hot Stone Massage

You've heard me say that I love using Hot Stones on clients but do you know the benefits of adding the stones to your massage. Today we're looking at what Hot Stones adds to that already great massage. 

In addition to deep relaxation, there are many benefits to having a hot stone massage. They include:

1. Pain relief

Hot stone massage has specifically been associated with symptom relief in people with a variety of conditions, such as fibromyalgia and other autoimmune disorders.

Several studies, including on fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid arthritis, have linked moderate massage techniques with lessening pain, and improving range of motion.

2. Stress relief

Massage is an effective method for stress relief. Several studies have shown that massage reduces stress and anxiety and improves cardiovascular health.

3. Increased joint flexibility

Muscle tension can make it difficult and more painful to move the joints. Massage helps to relax muscles, which makes it easier and more comfortable for someone to move.

People with certain joint disorders may benefit particularly from hot stone massage.

4. Decreased muscle spasms and tension

Muscles that are tense and in spasm can cause a lot of pain and interfere with daily life. Reducing the inflammation and tension in the skeletal muscles eases both muscle spasms and pain.

As previously said, massage and the use of hot stones can promote relaxation of the muscles and joints in the body to ease both pain and spasms.

5. Better sleep

Many people do not sleep well. Factors such as stress, insomnia, and busy schedules mean they get much less than the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

A review of some the literature on the effectiveness of massage shows that it is helpful in promoting relaxation and sleep in older people.

Hot Stones are in the Add-On Section of the Online booking website. You can also find them in the SPA catagory of Services offered. This service is only offered during the winter months. 

Book your next Hot Stone Massage Today! 

People who should not get a stone massage.

Despite the many benefits associated with hot stone massage, it is not an appropriate therapy for everyone. Sad but true

There are some people who should not have a massage, and more specifically, a hot stone massage.

For hot stone massage, some of the contraindications, or factors that mean a person should not have a particular treatment, are listed below.
  • Breaks in the skin
    • Anyone with injuries or breaks in the skin should avoid a hot stone massage until those injuries have healed.
    • Recent or severe bruising, cuts or scrapes, sunburn or varicose veins increase the risk for further tissue damage or injury. They also raise the chance of infection being introduced via bacteria from the massage oils or stones. 
  • Infection or illness
    • This may sound like commonsense, but anyone with a fever, cold, or flu should avoid a massage until they feel better.

    • Someone with a fever may spread their germs, and they will have difficulty regulating their body temperature, as well. This will leave them feeling more uncomfortable when hot stones are put on their skin. 
  • Heart disease
    • Heart disease can cause swelling or other problems in the veins or arteries of the legs, both of which can be negatively affected by a massage.

    • A person should always tell the massage therapist about any health issues they have, so that they can be aware of potential risks. 
  • Diabetes
    • Diabetes influences how well the nerves and blood vessels function in the fingers and feet. People with diabetes can lose feeling in their hands and feet, making them unable to feel if an injury, such as a burn, occurs.
    • When it comes to massage, they may not be able to tell if the massage therapist is using too much pressure, or if the hot stones are burning their skin.
  • Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol
    • Drugs and alcohol do not mix well with massage. Both impair the ability to give feedback if necessary, and also affect judgment, and a person’s self-control over their impulses. 
    • Furthermore, having a massage can leave someone feeling light-headed or wobbly. Drinking alcohol will compound and worsen these feeling. 
  • Pregnancy 
    • Prenatal massage can be very relaxing and beneficial for many women, during their pregnancy. However, some practitioners feel uncomfortable with using hot stones on a pregnant woman.
May you be blessed with harmony in your heart, peace of mind, and an abundance of joy and love to surround you always.

Monday, November 2, 2020

The 1st Chakra and Relationship to Health



The Root Chakra And What It Says About Our Health.

The Root Chakra is packed with information. November starts my launch into reopening my Healing Touch (Spiritual Healing) services AND Energywork. Two very different theories of healing. It's been 20 years in the making. I'm very excited about it. Please check out the website for detailed information on each service.

Friday, October 30, 2020

The Mechanical Response

The Mechanical Response To Massage

The physical manipulation in massage has two major physical effects:

  • Increase in blood and lymph circulation  
  • Relaxation and normalization of the soft tissue (muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments), which releases nerves and deeper connective tissues.

Improving Circulation

Massage is believed to improve blood and lymph circulation. This is probably due partly to the physical manipulation of soft tissue and partly to the chemicals released as part of the relaxation response.

Improved circulation can enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells. As cellular health improves, tissues function more efficiently. More efficient functioning leads to the removal of waste products and may increase the absorption of excess fluids and reduce swelling in soft tissues.

Relaxing Tissue

Massage therapy relaxes muscle tissue, which reduces painful contractions and spasms. Massage can also reduce nerve compression. To understand this, consider that when muscles are contracted, they sometimes compress the nerves around them. When these muscles are relaxed, the nerves are no longer compressed, and, in theory, can get proper nutrients and operate more efficiently. The nerves can assume their normal work of transmitting messages to and from the brain, which improves functioning of the muscles and organs.

Touching the skin or applying pressure relaxes muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In addition, while some of the deeper tissues of the body, such as deep spinal musculature, cannot be easily accessed by a massage therapist, the release of more superficial layers of muscles may also affect these deeper layers. This can lead to both superficial and deep tissues finding a better alignment and balance.

Organs can also benefit from massage, as they share neurological pain pathways with muscles, bones, and nerves. When muscles, bones, or nerves are distressed, organs can sometimes reflect distress and dysfunction. For example, low back pain can intensify menstrual cramps and menstrual cramps can cause low back muscles to tense. Massage can therefore improve symptoms associated with the functioning of both the organ and the muscles.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Don't Wait For A Crisis

 Don’t Wait For A Crisis

Anytime you’ve tipped the scales in your general health to dis-ease of any kind, it takes your body longer to recover. Whether it’s your intestinal health, stress level, or general pain, there’s a management piece to be considered.

I think, ultimately, massage is best utilized as a preventive measure rather than an approach to pain and trauma. This is often a challenge, as crisis and pain drive a lot of our behavior. Many times, we don’t get serious about things until we are in pain.

By modifying that thinking and understanding massage is an important preventive health strategy, then you’re less likely to find yourself in a situation where you end up falling prey to a stress-related or stress-induced condition.

Stress, in and of itself, isn’t always a bad thing; we need stress to get out of bed and motivate us to be proactive in our lives.

However, when stress really gets to you in a way where you aren’t able to manage it, that becomes problematic mentally, emotionally and physically.

On average a person should receive one massage a month to stay in the preventive health strategy. Consider scheduling yours today. 



Monday, October 26, 2020

Mindful Listening


Mindful Listening

How often do you feel really listened to? How often do you really listen to others?

We know we’re in the presence of a good listener when we get that sweet, affirming feeling of really being heard. But sadly it occurs all too rarely. We can’t force others to listen, but we can improve our own listening, and perhaps inspire others by doing so.

Good listening means mindful listening. Like mindfulness itself, listening takes a combination of intention and attention. The intention part is having a genuine interest in the other person—their experiences, views, feelings, and needs. The attention part is being able to stay present, open, and unbiased as we receive the other’s words—even when they don’t line up with our own ideas or desires.

Paradoxically, being good at listening to others requires the ability to listen to yourself. If you can’t recognize your own beliefs and opinions, needs and fears, you won’t have enough inner space to really hear anyone else. So the foundation for mindful listening is self-awareness.

Here are some tips to be a good listener to yourself so you can be a good listener for others.

How to Really Listen

1. Check inside: “How am I feeling just now? Is there anything getting in the way of being present for the other person?” If something is in the way, decide if it needs to be addressed first or can wait till later.

2. Feeling your own sense of presence, extend it to the other person with the intention to listen fully and openly, with interest, empathy, and mindfulness.

3. Silently note your own reactions as they arise—thoughts, feelings, judgments, memories. Then return your full attention to the speaker.

4. Reflect back what you are hearing, using the speaker’s own words when possible, paraphrasing or summarizing the main point. Help the other person feel heard.

5. Use friendly, open-ended questions to clarify your understanding and probe for more. Affirm before you differ. Acknowledge the other person’s point of view—acknowledging is not agreeing!—before introducing your own ideas, feelings, or requests.

 Have a great day




Friday, October 23, 2020

How Does Massage Work?

We all know it feels good but what is a Massage really doing and how does it work is my focus this week. 

Massage causes physiological changes in your body through:

Physiological Definition:  a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (such as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved

1. The Relaxation Response, which is an involuntary, yet predictable response of the nervous system to massage techniques and touch.

2. The Mechanical Responses, which are physical effects that occur in the body when pressure is applied to the soft tissues.

Together, these responses can produce physical and emotional benefits.

This week I'll post on both of these Responses and explain how it all works together. 

In the meantime, Have a great day and get yourself a massage to experience it yourself. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What is a Connective Tissue Massage


What Is a Connective Tissue Massage

Engaging both the autonomic and somatic body, the mechanical action of connective tissue massage has a direct effect on the tissues, increasing blood supply while regulating the ionic exchanges in the tissues.

What is Connective Tissue?

With connective tissue massage, my primarily focused is on the connective tissue, the linking system of all our cells. Like a spider’s web, connective tissue runs throughout the body, binding us together.

Constantly changing its viscosity and integrity, it is a dynamic area that is responsive to messages from the external and internal receptors, and plays a vital role in the transportation, repair, adaptation and defense of our tissues. Connective tissue is often likened to the embryonic sac of the unborn infant and as such, is an essential component of life-conducting forces.

Changes in the connective tissue are often the result of an illness, a physical injury or emotional distress. For example, stress is capable of disturbing the mineral balance of the tissue and this imbalance leads to a gelatinous thickening of the tissue while compromising the vital flow of water, nutrients and nerve supply, thus impeding neuromuscular conduction.

How is Connective Tissue Performed?

Characteristic of connective tissue massage techniques is the focus on mechanical action and reflex action, which effectively accesses every part of the body, from derm to core. Serving as a linking system, connective tissue relays messages from the underlying organs to the dermis and the musculature.

Connective tissue massage is a precise technique. Working on the skin and superficial fascia and often performed with the client relaxing on the massage table. It is a very lite full body massage. 

The mechanical aspect of connective tissue massage addresses the vascularity and integrity of the underlying tissue while enhancing the tone and elasticity of the skin. The skin acts as a mirror — and trained to recognize alterations in the dermis, the connective tissue massage therapist looks for shadowing, discoloration and constrictions.

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Affects of Massage on Sleep


Massage and Sleep

Sleep is an important aspect of health and well-being. Though there doesn’t seem to be any magic number concerning the amount of sleep people require, getting too little is associated with a number of medical conditions, and can negatively impact a person’s overall health.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions—such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression—which threaten our nation’s health. Notably, insufficient sleep is associated with the onset of these diseases and also poses important implications for their management and outcome.”

Some Recent Research: Low Back Pain and Fatigue

Some recent research is helping shed light on how massage therapy can be used to help people who have difficulty sleeping. One study of how massage therapy can benefit people with lower back pain and sleep disturbances found that the massage therapy group experienced less pain, depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance when compared to the group using only relaxation therapy.

This study comprised 30 adults with low back pain with a duration of at least six months. Randomly assigned to either massage therapy or relaxation therapy, each group had 30-minute sessions, twice a week for five weeks. On the first and last day of the five-week study, participants completed questionnaires and were assessed for range of motion. Along with the benefits for depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance, the massage therapy group also showed improved trunk and pain flexion performance.

A 2010 study investigated the effects of massage therapy for sleep quality on patients who had coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The study evaluated whether massage therapy would be effective in improving sleep quality in patients.

The 40 participants of the study were randomly assigned to a control group or massage therapy group following discharge from the intensive care unit. For three nights, the massage therapy group received massage while the control group did not. The patients were evaluated the following morning using a visual analogue scale for pain in the chest, back and shoulders, as well as fatigue and sleep.
Interestingly, pain in the chest, shoulders and back decreased significantly for both groups from day one to day three. The participants in the massage therapy group, however, had fewer complaints of fatigue on day one and day two, as well as reporting more effective sleep during all three days.

Create a Plan

Is it time to create a wellness plan to combat your nights of endless sleep? Are your aches and pains keeping you up at night? It could be that you may need more frequent, short massages to manage the present health condition. This may increase your sleep quality then allowing you to get back on track with your monthly massage program. 

I offer 15 minute and 30 minute massage sessions to help combat these minor problems. 

Hope to see you soon - Have a great day. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

3 Ways to Develop Your Intuitive Nature

How to Develop Your Intuition

Ever wonder to yourself - How can I develop my own sense of intuition? It just takes constant practice.

Intuitive skills are inside all of us. Intuition is always there for us, to guide, protect, and help us develop. As we grow into adulthood, we may push this intuition to the side to conform to what society says we should do. The more we do this, the less we tend to listen to that little voice or those gut feelings.

And like anything else in life, when you stop using it, you can lose it. A muscle must move, an eye must see, a brain must think; the same holds true for the intuitive process.

3 Ways To Develop Your Intuitive Nature

1. Make it a Game

This is the easiest why to develop that intuitive muscle. Years ago I left for work before my husband. We both got off work at about the same time. On my drive home, I would think of my husband and I would decide or get a gut feeling about which shirt he wore. Then I would call him to see if I was correct. You can do the same if you're in an office situation. Think of an individual you're about to see. What are they wearing? Practice, Practice, Practice. Eventually it'll be second nature to 'Go With Your Gut' on thoughts and feelings. You will have developed your intuitive muscle. 

2. Talk to Your Higher Self

Intuition is yourself, your higher self, that is. Creator, the Universe, or your soul are all patiently waiting your instruction, more than happy to guide you.  I believe we have forgotten how to communicate things to the universe.

Ask yourself, “Am I sending the message of what I want or am I vibrating what I’m worried about?” The universe may end up giving you the signals that send you to all the wrong places. 

How do you speak to yourself? Do you say ‘I am always sick’ or ‘I love being healthy’? Consider and consciously choose your inner dialogue and language. In both statements, you may really want to be healthy. But the statements vary, and they send different signals to the Universe. Choose your dialogue wisely to ensure your desires don’t get skewed.

Your intuition is your own personal GPS, built in with 24/7 access. Continue to charge the power, program the software, and input the correct data and you will succeed.

Some of the above steps will take practice and patience, but will be well worth it. Your personal intuition will become like a magical wand; you’ll wonder how you moved through life without it. Intuition is not for the spiritually gifted, those who meditate all day, or those with relaxed lives. It’s a tool for each and every one of us … Now use it! 

3. Mediation

I hate to add this one but it is true. I call mine prayer time. I have early waking hours to sit quietly. I say my prayers for the day and then listen to whatever comes. Maybe this 3rd part should be called LISTEN. Quiet the mind long enough to hear your guidance. 


Book Now 


Friday, October 9, 2020

Energywork for Creativity

My very first quilt with my proud mom.

I am a quilter and always channel Energy into anything I create. I find that energy helps me to be a clear channel for whatever is coming through for me to quilt. It also infuses the piece of work with energy, adding another layer to the experience of interacting with that patchwork. There are many ways to express yourself creatively and that creative expression can be a wonderful way of working through issues, clearing blocks, looking within, interacting with the world and being mindful. The process of being creative is a beautiful state to be in, it lets you open yourself up, encourages you to ‘go with the flow’ and enjoy the moment as well as being a new way to release and express. In my experience being creative helps me with self healing, exploring my inner landscape and releasing blocks, making me a clearer channel for Energy as well as a happier, more balanced person.

As well as experiencing Energy for healing, I find Energy wonderful for stimulating creative energy, it flows through me, sparking inspiration and taking my intention, ideas and individuality with it into whatever project I am working on.

2019 Mystery Quilt

Here are a few tips and ideas for using Energy with creativity

Open yourself to Energy and creativity. Before you begin creating take a moment to ground and center. State your intention for this Energy; I say something like ‘I channel this Energy with love and gratitude for the purpose of empowering my creativity’. 
Intention is a huge part of Energy. Hold the intention that the Energy helps you through the creative process, opening you up and allowing creativity to flow. You can simply intend that Energy helps you to open up and express, in which case, just start creating and see what comes up. Interpret the resulting images, flavours, scents, shapes, colours or sounds and any feelings you get during the process, using your intuition.
Let go of any ideas about what you want to create. It’s best not to have any preconceived goals about what you want your ‘finished piece’ to look like. Let go of any outcomes you may have imagined. In my experience what comes about during using Energy with the creative process is so much more than I could have imagined.

You can create in so many different ways. If you have always thought of yourself as not being creative, think again! If you see creativity as stimulated by Energy from outside of yourself you can take your perceived ability out of the equation and simply be open and allow it to happen. You can cook, bake, dance, sing, write, journal, draw, arrange natural objects, create crystal grids or mandalas, doodle, tell stories, collage, act, rearrange furniture, decorate a room, lay out an altar, display collections, mix essential oils or herbs, do adult colouring, scrapbooking, photography…. you can express yourself creatively in so many ways, and remember it’s the being creative that matters, not the resulting physical object (if there is one). All of these activities and so many more can be done whilst channeling Energy.
Creativity can be fantastic for mindfulness. Be totally present while you work, focusing on the colors, shapes, textures and sounds. Use all of your senses to experience this creativity. If your mind wanders, bring it back to the present again.
Alternatively you can use the creative process to let your mind wander and go on an inner journey. Start by being mindful of the moment then be totally open to whatever comes next. Be aware of the thoughts that drift through your mind, and see what messages or inspiration comes.
Whatever tools you are using, see them as an extension of yourself and visualise the Energy flowing out of your hand and through the tool into your work.
However you choose to create, try channeling Energy while you do it. Energy is such a beautiful piece to welcome in to our lives, letting it touch as many areas of our lives a possible can only be a good thing and for me brings a deeper, more rewarding experience.
Wishing you creative joy.

Massage & Back Pain

  Massage therapy as an effective treatment  for back pain Whether you’ve strained a back muscle in the garden, by playing golf, or by pla...